Ce billet est une suite du billet : Connaissez-vous les 12 conditions du plaisir au travail ? qui a du succès puisqu’on dépasse le millier de partages sur les réseaux sociaux…
Voici un extrait d’une étude qui montre que la façon dont nous traitons les salariés influencent leur travail.
According to a study by the Jackson Organization:
- Companies that effectively appreciate employee value enjoy a return on equity and assets more than triple that experienced by firms that don’t.
- The numbers gathered by Fortune’s list between 1998-2005 show that these best companies to work for had stock prices that rose an average of 14% per year, compared to the 6% rise in the overall market.
- Every year, Fortune releases a list of “100 Best Companies to Work For.” These “best” companies are not only ranked highly by their employee experiences, but have the growth stats to match.
- 89% of employees with high levels of well-being reported high job satisfaction.
- 90% of all employees are willing to consider changing jobs.
- Unsatisfied employees are 11 times more likely than happy employees to move to a new organization in the next year.
Le tout en image maintenant !
Source : http://www.topmanagementdegrees.com/what-top-companies-get-right/
Merci à mon cher associé Michael Salone pour l’info !
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