C’est un grand jour ! Mon ami et associé, Michael Salone, vient de publier un livre sur l’identification des talents et la reconnaissance sociale entre pairs. Michael et moi, nous sommes co-fondateurs de 3-6TY et nous partageons le même Business Dream : contribuer à l’intelligence collective à travers des technologies sociales innovantes (feedbacks 360 de nouvelle génération à travers l’utilisation de tags ; partage de connaissances entre pairs grâce à la vidéo – YouTube interne). Notre devise est : “Proud of the Crowd“
Après des années de R&D et plus de 20 ans dans les RH de grands groupes, Michael a pris sa plume digitale et vous propose :
Tagging for Talent: The Hidden Power of Social Recognition in the Workplace
Tagging for Talent introduces a breakthrough approach for human resources, senior executives and line managers to find hidden talent from within their own organizations. This unique method challenges the status quo of talent identification and succession planning with an easy crowdsourcing approach to competency recognition.
This is not a book about using social media, but a true business solution using the natural behaviors of your workforce to self-identify potential myriad of talent. It speaks to HR professionals and senior leaders who are looking for simple to use, real-life solutions that can be implemented in business today. Employees already see the power of tagging and view this innovative approach as a fun way to recognizing talent, versus the old method of waiting for their manager to see or perceive their strengths.
For years, executives have been asking, “Why am I spending all of this time and money when I keep getting the same results?” Tagging for Talent inspires leaders to tap into the power of the crowd, along with practical guidance on how to put a peer-based tagging system in place―and take their company up a notch!
Sa biographie : Michael Salone, an international HR expert, sought-after speaker, and author. Michael is CEO of 3-6TY, a unique consulting firm which uses the power of the crowd to share knowledge and identify talent for organizations. Michael has helped multi-billion dollar companies, Alstom and Schlumberger and clients Carnegie Mellon University, the United Nations, Total, Eczacibasi Group and Michelin (just to name a few) identify the strengths they have inside their organizations. By observing and helping companies quickly and accurately identify talent, Michael has saved companies millions of dollars, increased company morale and aided them in sustaining success―and taking it up a notch.
Prochaines conférences de Michael :
Speexx : 28 Novembre 2017 à Paris – Pour vous inscrire…
Learning Technologies : 31 janvier 2018 à Londres – Pour vous inscrire…